Project Overview
Project Details: Mount Saint Charles Academy, longtime powerhouse of local high school hockey, would mark a radical shift in its program with the introduction of the Mount Saint Charles Hockey Academy, a high-level boarding program. With this new program, there was a need for an all-male dormitory on campus to house the boarding hockey players that were coming from all parts of the country.
Project Products: Team Ruggieri suggested Milliken Carpet Tile throughout the hallways and meeting rooms. Roppe Nature timbers vinyl plank was used in the student rooms, and Mannington Assurance slip retardant sheet flooring, flash covered up the walls with welded seams to make up the bathrooms. Roppe Contour Millwork base, rubber treads and tile also were used in the common spaces. The fitness center and rehab area have Encore Rubber, and incorporated the school colors in the design. The main entry of the facility has Mats Inc Berber tile, with a custom school Logo cut into the walk off mat.
A Starnet Worldwide Commercial Flooring Design Award entry
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